Crescent View
IG10 4PZ
cat day care, cat feeding, dog walking, Essex Pet Care
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About Us
I'm Emma Ward and I'm the owner of Essex Pet Care. Originally from the North West, I made Loughton my home more than ten years ago and have enjoyed living here ever since.
I've been involved in animal care in one way or another since childhood and dogs have always been part of family life. Throughout my childhood and early teenage years I bred hamsters, owned tropical fish and once took in a stray budgie. As I grew older I became more heavily involved in animal welfare and, through the RSPCA, adopted a variety of dogs ranging from a Yorkshire terrier to a blind rough Collie.
In more recent years, I have started to care for small furries which have been abandoned. Even though they may be small, each of these little animals comes with their own quirks and patience and sensitivity are essential in gaining their trust, keeping them well and identifying potential illnesses as early as possible. It has also made me very adept in providing medication. I knew that when I could give a wriggling, partially-sighted rodent oral antibiotics through a syringe without so much as a flinch from her I could probably administer meds to just about any little creature!
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